How to Use The Rose Toy In Bathtub?

How to Use The Rose Toy In Bathtub?

Most of the rose toys are waterproof, this means that you can use them while bathing. Well, the bathtub is not only a great place to relax, but also to enjoy your sexy moment. Take the rose toy to the bathroom and you will have a fun great time with it. Especially when the sex on the bed has already become the routine, just invite your rose vibrator to join your bath, and the “show” is going to get wild and crazy.

Believe me, you can just immerse yourself into the pleasure with no worry about who is outside the door, because the noise of water flow in the bathroom can cover your moan. Also, the water is able to relieve your stress, to help you left behind those distractions and enjoy this kind of sensory stimulation, to multiply the pleasure for your game. It’s not just about increasing the intensity of orgasm to use the rose toy in water (it’s important though), you can explore different kinds of stimulation to find out what’s the ways that work best for you about sex or how to use the rose toy. Furthermore, you don’t need to think about cleaning your bed sheet after the play.


 Ready? Now let’s move on to the tricks to use the rose toy in the bathtub:

1. Use the bubble

Make the steaming bathtub full of bubbles, it’s an easy way to please yourself, and also can smooth your skin. The pleasant smell can help you relax and set up your mood, start touching yourself over the body now, till you feel a little of sexy and want your finger to go down there and have some fun.


2. Use the waterproof Lubricant

It depends on you whether you want to use the lubricant or not. The water and the bubbles are able to lubricate, you can just press the rose toy on your private part and feel it, if it’s not that comfortable for you, then it’s necessary to apply some lubricant while using the rose toy in water, which is a good way for you to make you feel better. Trust me, you will like it.


3. Watch some erotic video

The pleasant smell with enticing moan and heavy breathing, and those arousing scenes, you make you feel sexier. You can read some erotic books or magazines, but if you want it to be more direct and impact, watching some erotic videos on a pad could immediately set you on fire in the water, but to make it discreet, it’s better to do it while there is nobody else at home.


4. Use with the shower nozzle

Adjust the water to your favorite temperature, sit and lie down a little bit in the bathtub, separate your legs a little and your rose toy between them. When your clitoris feels warm and wet, take the shower nozzle and set it to the spray pattern, focus the water on your clitoris, from warm to hot... you can switch it between the rose vibrator and the nozzle, it will make you cum fast and cum over and over again. Who can say no to this!


5. Place some non-slip mat to increase the safety

After enjoying the amazing moment in the steaming bathroom, you might have a complete release, but it also makes you a little exhausted when you have those unexpected orgasms. Believe me you don’t want to ruin your bathroom masturbation or even end it up with an emergency room visit. Imagine it, your doctor, your family or your friends find you lying on the floor of the bathroom with your lubes and rose toys around you, well, which is completely a joke or a nightmare. So, to avoid this kind of situation, make sure to place some non-slip mats in the bathtub or on the floor of the bathroom to increase the safety.


It’s an exited and wonderful experience to use the rose toy in the bathroom, and it’s also a scene that you can realize easily. Its goanna help you learn more about your body and explore the different ways to use the rose toys. But, keep this in mind, make sure that you are using it safely and you should practice it more, that’s how you can explore more and get some real fun.

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